Healthy Food Murals

A set of 5 murals created at Gascoigne Primary School in Dagenham for Bow Arts.

The paintings were installed in the canteen and hallways and displayed a number of healthy food items in some of the many languages spoken by the students in the school.

Languages: English, Albanian, Bangladeshi, Urdu, Lithuanian, Yoruba, French, Swahili, Somali and Portuguese.

Foods: Olives,Strawberries, Mushrooms, Oranges, Cauliflower, Beetroot,Garlic, Lemons, Peas, Aubergine, Blackberries,Avocados, Cloves, Tomatoes, Pumpkin, Chillies,Ginger, Cashews, Kale, Carrots, Cinnamon,Onion, Plantain, Pepper and Broccoli   


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